Saturday, December 29, 2012

Every day there's a new story with the same theme

Most if not all of my posts on this blog have been about happy times... following my little byline about "Life is Good"!

I've been thinking about this for a while now and it's due to an alarming trend that is in the news on a daily basis. The photo above is a 10 year old child named Jade Morris who was killed by a woman in Las Vegas.  Jade Morris didn't do anything - other that be in the wrong place with the wrong person at the wrong time.

I'm going to try attach the story below these comments.  This is not a rant but just an expression of how sad I feel when I read these stories. I know that there are much worse things happening in this world where kids are starving in the thousands due to drought or civil war or whatever but there is virtually nothing that can be done other than getting our "have" countries involved.

But... in almost every case I read about kids being killed in North America.. in our back yards in some cases, the children are just innocent victims of fucked up people that can't deal with their issues or illnesses, and eventually are ignored long enough that they take out their frustrations and feelings on the helpless people around them - the children who did not ask to be there in the care of such dangerous sick people. In most cases, the adults that kill have sought help but either can't find it or get lost in the system.

It's just so very sad and it makes me wonder if there is anything that can possibly be done to stop it.

Yeah... life is good, but not for everyone.

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