Sunday, December 9, 2012

Visiting the Museum of Russian Art in St Paul..

Jewels was attending a seminar in Minneapolis this week so I tagged along and we made a nice weekend out of it visiting Annie as well as Cam and Cassie and the girls.

We finally got to visit the Museum of Russian Art this trip and just loved it.  The main feature of the Museum was the works of Nicolai Fechin and the pics above are a cross section of his works. Almost eerie how realistic his paintings are.

The top floor of the museum was dedicated to some of the more popular works of art over the past few years.  One of them was called "The Milkmaids" and it was a painting of three women taking a break from milking the cows and obviously were sharing a private joke.  The features on their faces was so real.... just sitting there looking at this painting made me laugh aloud, and I sat and enjoyed this painting for a few minutes.  Good for the soul.

Life is Good.

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