Tuesday, February 19, 2013

a Lynx... or a Bobcat???

Well, Jewels and I arrived at Bluefin Lodge yesterday.  It's a wonderful place and our condo is very nice. We did a bit of exploring yesterday. Our plan was to go snow shoeing today but the wind is just howling out there so we may just drive up to Grand Marais and do touristy stuff instead.

This place is really nice, in that there aren't many add-ons to the cost.  They supply, at no charge, x-country skis, snowshoes, skates etc etc.  They do free guided tours, have indoor and outdoor hot tubs and a great little skating rink.  Last nite was mild with big snowflakes falling.  We went for a skate -  which was my first time on skates since I was about 18 years old... ummmm... like almost 20 YEARS ago....... I wish..

This morning, just after we got up, we were sitting in the living room and - it was either a Lynx or a Bobcat - came sauntering right across our deck.. thru the neighbors yard, and into the woods. It was quite exciting to see up close like that.  Not very big but I think I'd stay clear.  My camera has dead batteries so I didn't get a pic of my own...

Three more nights in this lovely place...

Life is Good.

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