Saturday, February 1, 2014

A bit of this and that...

Must admit I have been lax about updating this blog.. simply said, It's been kinda quiet around here.

With the cold weather, we haven't been doing too much.. other than a trip to Milwaukee to visit Julie's new twin grand kids.. and that was wonderful to say the least.. lovely babies.. loving parents... best word to describe it is... "nice".

Isaac and Jasmine... special little kiddos...

Other than that, I've been curling 2 nites a week along with a 1 on 1 league... It's been going fine and lots of fun.. I do enjoy my curling... tomorrow we will play some 1 on 1 games and maybe hang around the club and watch some football (Super Bowl)...

Next week, I'm off to Canada.. will hang out a few days in MB, then drive up to Edmonton and flying up to Yellowknife from there for a week.

After that, a few days in Edmonton visiting Jesse and Nikki and then .. perhaps.. a flight over to Courtenay to visit my girls..

Here's a couple of pics taken lately... one is a COLD shot of the lake yesterday morning.. and a sign that I thought was kinda funny... remodelling the local Burger King takes on a new meaning for the word remodel which in Minnesota, means knock the sucker down and rebuild from scratch..

Anyways.. to those that occasionally drop by to read these updates... I'll do better... in spite of being quiet..

Life is Good.

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