Monday, December 30, 2013

Home again... holidays almost over.

We had a quiet Christmas.  Decided on a trip into Minneapolis and booked  the Raddison hotel for Xmas Eve and day. Although it was quiet, we managed to be busy for several days including visits with Annie and Greg, Cam and Cassie and the kids.  We visited a couple of museums, ate a wonderful meal at "Moscow on the Hill", and spend a day snowshoeing with Sarge, Annie + Greg, and their friends Molly and Mark.

On the way home.. well sort of on the way, we stopped into Julie's mom and dads to visit with them and Tom. We spent the night there visiting, playing cards, eating.. and just having a nice quiet time.

It was a good holiday..  curling has started again, and we have to decide if we're doing anything for New Years or just staying in as the house is very cozy and baby, it's cold outside!

Life is Good...

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