Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Views from the back deck... (cont'd)

We continue to enjoy nature at its best, simply by looking out of our deck at the rear of the house...

The other morning, the steam was rising off the lake and as the sun cleared the steam clouds, it looked like the lake was on fire... sometimes you just have to stop what your doing and enjoy the scenery!

Our neighbor Terry told Jewels the other day that there was a young buck that seems to have taken up residence in our back yard.  I was looking out back as part of my scouting mission to watch for squirrels trying to invade my feeders when - yes - our friend strolled through the back yard.  About 20 minutes later, a young doe wandered through.  Hmmmmm... peut-etre nous avions le petite faon frolicing devant en printemps.

Now... whatever did I do with that wonderful venison stew recipe?

Life is Good!

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