Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas with Julie's gang..

This past weekend we celebrated xmas with Julie's kids... minus Jill and Josh..  and "the girl" and "the boy"... of course.. if we were to take bets on a date for the twins birth.. I'd say Christmas day might not be a bad choice... but we'll see.  It's getting closer and closer..

I took random photos of the gang this weekend...  I didn't get any pics of the Bentlyville excursion... because someone had to volunteer to stay home and look after the house and the dog and since I am a registered and somewhat capable "house carer".. well it had to be me that passed on a fun fun fun trip to take the responsibility...  SIGH...

A fun weekend.. I missed my kids.. my grandkids... but will see them soon I hope..

Life is Good.

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