Friday, August 15, 2014

Kicking myself...

I've been out on the west coast for over a week now... and have missed out on a LOT of great photos because... well, I'm kinda stupid!  I forget my damn camera almost every time I go out and there's no excuse for that.. except that I'm getting old and forgetful..

But I have managed to take a few pics... not many on the trip west as I've been over these trails several times and posted pics before..  I did take a few photos one day in Vancouver as well as today when Jill and I did a nice little hike in the rain out to Seal Bay..  a nice stroll into the forest and a pretty little bay at the end..

my only pics I took on the trip west was a scenic spot in Montana.. in spite of being never ending, it's a pretty state!

Heading back to Edmonton tomorrow with a load of stuff.. Jill is hoping to move there this fall so I'll haul out a bit of stuff for her.. then, off to Yellowknife for a week or two.

Life is Good....

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