Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tomorrow I head west again....

So, since I'll be away for some time.. not sure how long as it could be 2 weeks or 2 months depending on the business... I have been busy working in the back yard and getting various tasks done..

Well.. what have I done one might ask... start with the new sidewalk to the garden and the new fire pit which were done with Greg doing most of the heavy work.. then, I scraped and painted the trim on the garage..  dug up the other walkway off the back deck and put down some nice sod.. and today I finished the other side where I dug up the weeds and spread around the pea rock.. and the coup de gras was cutting the grass..

Hey.. the damn place looks great.. front and back with garden, flowers, and birds everywhere...

Tomorrow I'm off to Vancouver.. a nice drive for meetings starting on the 5th.. and I do have my golf clubs.... you know.. just in case I have time!

Life is Good....

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