Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Another good day for a hike...

Today we drove out to the end of Park Point and hiked the Minnesota Point trail.  The day was supposed to be overcast and cool but it turned out to be sunny, warm, and wonderful.

The hike itself is about 2-3 miles and was a very interesting and quite a scenic stroll...  it started out with a wide path along a chain link fence that was there to keep folks from strolling around on the airport out there...  after a bit, we got into a lovely path through the forest.. followed by an open stretch covered with sand dunes...

At the turn around point which is the entry point for the ships going into the Superior Harbour we stopped and enjoyed our lunch... then we chose to follow the lakeshore back which took us into a huge area filled with driftwood, and finally into a ware little cove  before joining the original trail back to the trailhead...

All in all.. a lovely day.

Life is Good!

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