Thursday, July 24, 2014

Today's very pleasant surprise...

So today, Jewels and I decided to do a hike at Two Harbours which is about 20 miles north of Duluth.. The hike is from a book we bought showing different treks in the region and is one that both of us has been avoiding because.. well, when you drive thru Two Harbours, it just isn't that appealing.

The hike was gorgeous... started out on the beautiful beach on the east side of town and followed the shore of Superior around to the light houses..  we were in awe of what we saw.. 

Lotsa pics... lotsa fun!

Part of the decision to take this hike was the added incentive that we noticed yesterday.. we saw that there was a Vietnamese restaurant downtown and the deal was we would take the hike and then reward ourselves with our favorite "bun" dish at the restaurant..

The hike was special, the food was great... Life is Good!

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