Thursday, October 28, 2010

Making a new batch of EZ Street in Calgary...

Sitting in my hotel room in Toronto - waiting for Kevin from Fermar to pick me up and buy me lunch. Thought I'd download the pics from the asphalt production in Calgary last week so those who don't know what our company does might have a bit better idea.

Well, first of all there is some serious job planning done at the Kensington Pub which is highly stressful and absolutely drains a person.. especially after the third sample is ..uhhh.. taken... Actually, the beauty of coming to Calgary was the fact that we had an extra day so we went out to Banff on day one and did some sight seeing. It was a beautiful day but unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me. Well... in hindsight, I guess I have posted enough pics of mountains this summer to hold me for a while.

The photos are mainly of the plant in Calgary which is operated by the city. We made up a supply of pre-coat followed by some tests in their lab for the viscosity of the product. Jan and Lars were in charge of this and you can see by the concentration that they take their jobs very very seriously. The final pics are the finished EZ Street cold asphalt product, piled neatly and ready for the city boys to start patching those lovely.. er.. nasty potholes.

Life is Good!

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