Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Saturday was a good day...

Saturday morning we decided to take a trip up the North Shore. It was a nice day and we took our time driving up as far as Silver Bay.  Jewels and I both love this drive and find it so relaxing and good for us.

We took a short hike in one spot and snapped a few pics of the cold cold cold lake. It was pretty with the sun shining onto it and reflecting its warmth to us. We also stopped along the road and interrupted a feast that a group of ravens and a large bald eagle were having on a deer carcass.  The ravens took off but the eagle landed close by and let me take a few pics before he flew off.

We finished the evening back in Duluth and tried our feet at Contra dancing and Traditional Square Dancing. Great exercise and Great fun.

Oh... and my sweet little Grand Daughter Shaya turned 6 years old on Sunday. I love my grand kids soooooo much.  Great weekend.

Life is Good!

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