Monday, May 20, 2013

Coupe de Grass...

Well, before I got to Montreal I had been bitchin' a bit about the cold weather and the "brown" spring.

As you can see from my photos the past few days, green has definitely taken over from the brown. The folks here have a huge double lot and a nice little ride around mower.  Of course there are gardens and trees everywhere so it's not really that easy to cut with the ride around..

I had decided that if it wasn't raining today, I'd mow the lawn. John and Wendy are back tomorrow so it's time to get the place shipshape.  It was raining this morning but unfortunately, for me, the sun came out for a few hours this afternoon and I was able to crank up the push mower and do the complete lawn.  It only took a couple and a half hours.  I'm beat.. but it looks good.. n'est ce pas?

Life.. C'est Bon!

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