Thursday, May 16, 2013

Strolling around the old city of Montreal...

Today started out rainy and cold and I considered canceling my plan to go down to the old city of Montreal and do some sight seeing.  The rain stopped by noon and although it was cold and windy, I decided that I shud check it out.

Now... driving worked out fairly well but parking is a very expensive proposition... like $3.50 per half hour... no limit in many of the lots.. I was lucky to find a meter that gave me 2 hours max for $6 so I just couldn't stray toooo far as I had to go back and feed the meter.

My first landmark that I recognized was while still driving. I encountered a very old Hudson's Bay Store on a busy corner so I had time to take out my camera and take a pic.  One of the first businesses I noticed was a Ben and Jerry's ice cream shop in a lovely old building.

There are several streets that are blocked for auto traffic.. had to take a pic of one that had a Northern Images sign beckoning me.  The next photo is of the Notre Dame Basilica - very imposing amongst the other old buildings.

I had to include photos of Montreal's culinary gems... the first being a Poutine shop and the other was the second half of my lunch.. Montreal is known for it's smoked meat sandwiches and after stuffing myself with this one, I know why.. I was delicious.

The last picture here is the Hotel St James... probably named after moi??  When I was taking the photo a local guy came up to me and started telling me about the hotel's claim to fame as Madonna appears to be a regular customer when in town... as are the Rolling Stones.. apparently Mick likes to book at least two floors of the hotel for his entourage.. I guess it would be interesting if the walls could talk.

A beautiful city.. lots of bad roads and traffic problems... not quite as charming as Quebec City but a fun place to visit..

Life is Good.

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