Thursday, April 22, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy (Busy spending money that is!!!)

So.... I my little pothole repair business is rolling along. I decided that I needed a better method of tamping down the asphalt in my repairs so I found a nice little compactor online and within a week and an expenditure of $1230 (included freight from Mississauga) I was the proud owner of a dynamic EVCC90 vibrating plate compactor.

Wellll, the only little problem was that this unit tipped the scales at 170 lbs.. a bit of a ball buster trying to load and off load from the back of the truck. No problem you say! Just buy a trailer (cause you need more space for hauling asphalt and all those nice little tools) and you can slide the compactor in and out of the trailer. So, within a mere day, I was the proud owner of a rosy red (matches the truck) Agassiz Voyageur 4 x 6 trailer... along with an expenditure of $1995 - peanuts to a big operation like mine!

The only little problem was that the unit still weighed 170 lbs and I still couldn't lift it in or out of the trailer. Lucky for me, the guy I bot the trailer off is VERY handy and he rigged up a wonderful hydraulic lift in the trailer that solves the 170 lb problem. It works well and the guy didn't really charge much considering the product and effort required to set it up... of course, I needed belts to tie down the compactor as well as some of the tools... and.. uhhh.. well the electrical wiring to the hitch on my truck had an issue and I had to go to CanTyre to get that fixed.. so the day cost me another $350

But I fixed a crack in a guy's driveway near Brandon today... billed the guy $38 for the job.. so I'm only ...hmmmm $1230 + $1995 + $350 + $50 (gas and meals for the past couple of days) totalling
$3625.. less my $38 income = a net shortfall of $3587 for the week.

And Julie is worried about me not having done my taxes yet! But it was +22C today, the sun was warm, the birds were singing, I have a nice job tomorrow at a local Brandon hotel ($900), and Life is still Good!

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