Saturday, January 8, 2011

A nice little visit from Anne Marie...

We were so happy that Annie was able to take some time to drive up for a few day's visit. It's too bad that Jewels couldn't take some time off work but we were able to do some fun stuff during her visit.

On the first day, I took Annie out to the Superior Curling Club and gave her a short lesson on playing the "grand old game". Annie caught on quickly (of course) and was soon sliding her stones into the house at the far end of the sheet.

In addition, she got to meet Wisconsin's curling legend, Bud Somerville who was out practicing with one of his mates.

We had a lovely sunshinie day today and after breakfast we headed out to Scott's cabin to check out his snowshoe trail. We spent a couple of hours treading around in the woods taking in the beauty of a snowy Minnesota winter. It was a bit cold to start but the activity soon warmed us up and it turned out to be a wonderful day.

So nice to have the kids out to visit and we are looking forward to seeing the rest of the gang whenever they can come up for a visit.

Life is Good.

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