Monday, August 19, 2013

Driving west... again.

I always dread the 6-7 days it takes to drive through N Dakota and Montana... OK, it feels like 6-7 days but I guess the option of driving thru Saskatchewan and the flat part of Alberta is much the same... The nice part of N Dakota is the badlands.. it's such an awesome landscape with the many colors and buttes and rock formations....

And the nice part is the fact that I did some hard driving and in two days, have reached Spokane WA. The weather has been clear and dry and hot.. I was wondering about the fires that we keep hearing about in Idaho but I didn't see any signs of forest fires in the part I went through.

But... the highway was quite smokey in Montana approaching Missoula.  It was kind of funny coz when I arrived in Missoula, the smoke had dissipated and it was clear and hot in the city.  Then, on the way out of town, there was obvious smoke rising from the hills to the south west.

Nothing in the local news about Montana fires so I assume it is all under control.

Tomorrow I drive up to Vancouver and over to the island on Thursday.

Life... she's good!

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