Saturday, August 31, 2013

Fort Rodd Armory and the Fisgard Lighthouse...

Soaked up a bit of history today with a stroll through the Fort Rodd Hill and Armory which was some kind of strategic base that protected Victoria and the harbour since  the 1800's representing the British Empire and Canada. It was manned until after WW2.. the BIG one and is now a National Historic Site.

By the looks of the gate above, I'd say that the defenders of the harbour were serious about keeping the invaders from scaling the gate - at least enough incentive to give it some second thought.  The wild animals below are in abundance in the area and the gates keep them from attacking as well.

The Fisgard Lighthouse was built in the mid 1800's and was the first lighthouse built on Canada's West Coast. The photo below that is the Esquimalt lagoon which is just west of the lighthouse.

A pretty area.. nice day... Life is Good.

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