Saturday, October 5, 2013

A busy day today....

The weather has been cold and wet.  The only nice part is that if it was South Dakota, today would be a shovel day.

We started out the day with a trip to Canal Park.  We figured that the way the wind was howling that the waves would be crashing.. and we weren't disappointed.

That last wave hit the rocks - REALLY GOOD -  and although I was a good 45 feet from them, I got soaked.. fun/fun/fun...

After our visit to Canal Park, we headed to the Cranberry Festival in Stone Lake WI which is about 90 miles from Duluth... the drive was great and although it was overcast and raining, thefall colors were spectacular.

The Cranberry Festival is big.. very BIG with over 300 exhibitors.  We were planning on buying some freshly picked cranberries and bot 2 bags (5 lbs each) for $16 which apparently is a great deal.  Then, we stumbled onto an exhibitor selling cranberry wine.. 3 bottles later and with Julie $30 dollars lighter, we stumbled into a tent selling fresh Honeycrisp apples.. and ... yes, we brought a big bag home.. on the way back to the truck, we passed a tent where they were selling fresh goat cheezes.. yes, of course we picked up a couple of containers of our favorite cheese...

A nice day... looks like dinner tonite with Kim and Scott... and then some Contra dancing..

Life is Good.

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