Saturday, October 26, 2013

Victoria BC - One of my favorite cities

Spending the day and overnighting in Victoria before driving up to Courtenay to see my girls.  I'm staying at a nice older hotel.. have stayed here before and it's very comfy and cozy.  I took some pics of the lobby area which is decorated with antique furnishings which reaches out and welcomes guests.

Jewels and I always take note of the token purple house in each town we visit.. I'm sure there are several here but I thought I'd put up a photo of a blue one this time.  It's across the street from the hotel and is an extremely attractive home.

The rest of the pics here are taken in the area around the hotel.. A lovely park with a hiking trail around a huge pond.. lots of birdies hanging around and the colors are fantastic.

Had to throw in a photo of the good old Empress Hotel.  It's only 4 blocks from my place and looks nice with the ivy changing from green to red..

Great city..  Life is Good.

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