Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Day nine of the Yule Lads - Welcome Sausage Swiper.

Seems to be a re-occuring theme... the boys are obviously very hungry when they come down from the hills....

Bjúgnakrækir (Sausage Swiper)

The ninth Yule Lad is Sausage Swiper who is, for some reason, the most popular of the Lads. In days of old, he would sneak into the rafters of the house and steal any sausages that were being smoked there. This practice is very rare in most Icelandic households these days. Now if he can't find a brat, he will attempt to steal slices of pepperoni found on leftover pizzas.

Sausage swiper loved the taste
Sweet smoked sausage with a BBQ baste.
He climbed the rafters and raided from there
The sweet aroma around him
More than he could bear.
Sitting on the cross beam in soot, grease, and smoke
He gorged himself on sausage
Fit for Wisconsin folk.

Yes...Life is Good!


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