Friday, December 23, 2016

Day twelve of the Yule Lads - Welcome Meat Hook

Ketkrókur (Meat Hook)

Second to last  of the Yule Lads to arrive is Meat Hook.  In days of old he would lower a hook down the kitchen chimney to pull up a leg of lamb or whatever other choice morsels which were being smoked in the pan.

These days Meat Hook will use his hook to snatch meat from anywhere, but since his pole is very short, often has little success.

Meat hook attempts to snag his meal
A meat of any sort
Unfortunately he would soon discover 
His hook was much too short.

His hunger pains began at once
And he began to sob.
"Don't worry son"  We'll bring a ham
Came a note from Tom and Bob.

Life is Good....


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