Saturday, December 24, 2016

Day thirteen of the Yule Lads - Welcome Candle Stealer.

And here is the final Lad... Must mean it's Christmas Day tomorrow.

Kertasníkir (Candle Stealer)

Candle Stealer is the 13th and final Yule Lad for this year. Even though he steals candles to eat them, (YES! he eats them) he seems to be the most generous of the Lads. This might have something to do with him arriving last, on the morning of Christmas Eve.
In days of old candles were very expensive, and strictly controlled in an Icelandic household. For that reason, it would have been very uncommon for children to have been given one. Around Christmas time however, there is very little daylight in Iceland each day, so it was necessary to give candles to the children at that time. Candle Stealer was known to sneak around in the dark behind children with candles, waiting for his chance to steal them. At that time, candles were made from animal fats, and were edible, therefore Candle Stealer would quickly gobble them up!

Chasing the children
On dark dreary nights....
They ran round the farm
Under bright candle lights.
What if he nabbed one?
Would he gaze at it's glow?
Or just eat up the tallow....
Does anyone know?

Merry Christmas to all... 

Life is Good.


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