Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Day trip into the City...

Took a day trip into Vancouver today.  The skytrain  is a great rail system and it takes about 20 minutes for me to travel from the local station into Vancouver downtown. 

The focus of today's trip was the aquarium in Stanley Park.  It was a good day and saw lots of mammals and fishies from all over the world.

The "donald" is building a new hotel in Vancouver... not sure how  many stories for the latest Trump Tower but it's a biggie!

The home of the local rowing club on the edge of the park.  A lovely spot.

The sea lions were not very happy with each other and made a lot of god-awful noises at each other to explain their feelings.

There were a lot of great animals, fish, reptiles at the aquarium.  It's a great place to spend the day. I actually took a lot of fotos but my camera setting was off kilter... soooo, you'll have to take my word for it that it's a great spot to visit...

Life is Good.

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