Saturday, April 18, 2015

Knee is feeling better - Mr Kane no-showed our rematch race!

Since my old buddy with the cane didn't show for the final in our April madness race, I decided to take the skytrain into Vancouver today.  It stops it's final stop at Waterfront Station - AKA Canada Place and the Pan Pacific Hotel so after a brief visit to a Franchise show at the convention centre and a $35 breakfast, I followed the promenade down to Stanley Park.

There's probably $65 gadzillion worth of boats parked along this stretch of waterfront... something I don't think I'd get into even if I had the cash.. but they do make purdy pictures.

Into Stanley Park (Jewels would have loved this walk) and around lost lagoon.. a nice nature hike in the middle of the city - saw turtles sunning themselves on the rocks.. ducks playing hide and seek and lotsa swans and geese nesting in the area.. then along the sea wall back into the hubbub of the big city....

Finished the day with lunch at a great Vietnamese restaurant.. and just got back to scratch my cat's ears. 

Life is Good....  go JETs gooooo.

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