Monday, December 19, 2016

Day Eight of the Skyr Lads - Welcome skyr gobbler.

Skyrgámur (Skyr Gobbler)

Skyr Gobbler is the eighth Yule Lad, who will attempt to sneak into the pantry and eat any tubs of Skyr that he could find. Skyr is a dairy product popular in Iceland that is made from milk cuds, It is quite similar to yoghurt. 
I have to stress that I could not find a Skyr container for my photo props... beer is nothing like skyr .... But when you actually sit down and give it some thought.. maybe "Skyeer Beer" would work?? It almost rhymes!

Skyr Gobbler is a rather slow bloke
He would pound on the skyr tub
Until the lid broke.
He'd then sit there gorging
His appetite well known
He'd eat till he burst
Then lay down and moan.

Life is good


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