Monday, December 12, 2016

Day one of the Yule Lads - Sheep Cload

December 12 is day one of the arrival of the Yul Lads.  We had a lot of fun setting up our amateur photos of the boys... here is day one's star - Sheep Cload.

Stekkjarstaur (Sheep Cote Clod)
On December 12th, the first Yule Lad to arrive- Sheep-Cote Clod- sometimes known as Sheep Shagger. Now, this is nothing more that a colourful translation, and his intentions toward sheep is nothing more sinister that attempting to drink their milk.
Our first Lad, Sheep Cote Cload
Had knees made of hard wood
His aim was to suckle farmer's sheep
Every chance he could
It was tough for him to bend over
To access his favourite treat
Because - try as he may
He could hardly reach the teat.

Life is good.

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