Friday, July 23, 2010

and over to Ucluelet - or something like that???

We went out to the beach beside our campground and strolled around in the mist. Interesting huge waves on this side and lots of surfer boys and girls in wet suits testing the waves. Still misty and overcast and was quite cool last nite for sleeping. Having said that, we went to bed at 9pm and didn't get up till 9 this morning. Something about this cool ocean air and the sound of the waves to put us to sleep.

We headed over to Ucluelet and hiked around to the main light house and saw some of the most rugged coastline that we have seen to date on this trip. Lots of huge rocks, trees bent into some weird shapes, and waves crashing onto the rocks. We have really enjoyed this area and I found a nice dark lager called Hermann's so of course, Life is Good!!!

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