Friday, July 23, 2010

And this one is for Annie!!

So Annie - your Mom and I have driven by this little house in a place called Union Bay several times and have noticed the front yard which is full of beautiful blue plants. We decided to stop today and take a peek at what this was and as Jewels guessed, it was full of lavender plants. The house was small and very quaint and the back yard was full of other types of plants.

Jewels asked me to take some pics as the house was for sale (across from the ocean as a bonus) and the grounds were soooo nice. We went into a little building at the rear of the property and your Mom started to laugh. Sitting on a shelf was a zip lock baggie (I thought it might be a hemp product) but Jewels said it was seeds for the lavender plants but the funny part was that it had the name, Anne Marie written on the label.

This is such a pretty place with so much to see.. life is Good!

1 comment:

  1. I think the universe is telling you both that you must buy me that house!
    it's a sign and you know you can't turn your back on that strong of a sign.
    Just let me know when I can move in!
