Friday, September 17, 2010

a little catch up... Jill and Wayne's Wedding.

Well, Jill and Wayne's wedding was a week ago yesterday. I've covered a lot of ground since and most of it in the rain.

The wedding went very well and although Jill was somewhat disappointed that more people could not have been there, it was so very nice that her uncles and aunts from sunny MB as well as mom and sis from Inuvik could attend. Jill asked me to say a few words about her but I couldn't .. I just get too emotional - especially when I try to convey my feelings about someone that I love so much. I'm so happy for her and in discussions with Wayne, I know he loves her and would do anything for her. Diane gave a heartfelt little speech at the wedding .. I have never really told her how much I have been affected by her giving up her baby to Benj and I... it has impacted my life in such a positive way and I so greatly appreciate her for letting us be part of her and Jill's lives. It was a lucky day when I made my decision to go north - a step that brought two loving children into our lives - and yes.. now two lovely young ladies - my grandkids Shaya and Rylie... I love you all!

And speaking of my babies, I got to sit with my two grand daughters the nite of the wedding and must admit that I was quite apprehensive about looking after baby Rylie as I haven't sat with a baby overnite for about 20+ years. Although she woke me three times for nutrition breaks, it went rather well and I delivered the little darlings to mom around 8am the next morning.

I'll post a few pics here later of the wedding ceremony once I receive copies from Jillie.

Since the wedding, I drove back to Edmonton and visited for two nights with Bill and Pat and then hit the trail for Duluth to check out some houses with my Jewels. It feels like I live in that old truck of mine at times. (only because I live in that old truck at times)!!! It will be nice to sit back for a while and relax in Duluth for a few days. No plans right now... Life is Good!

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