Friday, May 4, 2012

Mission accomplished... tomorrow I go home!

Photo number 2 from left to right.

Mrs Evelin Parra, Dr Enrique Parra, Martha (Reception), Daniela (Office Manager), and Freydel (Dental Assistant)

I was back in the chair briefly this morning.  Just to get fitted for a protective mouthpiece in case I decide to once again take up teeth grinding seriously in my sleep.  I have been quite a teeth grinder over the years which no doubt contributed to the state of my mouth which brought me here.

Dr Parra, his wife, and his staff were great to accommodate me with a few pictures.  It has been a long and grinding (teeheehee) week.  These people are so nice and such professionals.  I feel very lucky that in my search for an answer to my dental woes, I found this place.  I thank you Dr Parra and your wonderful staff for keeping me at ease over our time together and for my great new smile as well.

Life is Good!

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