Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Rain Rain, go away...

No pics to share today.  The last couple of days has been steady rain and the creek that runs through the property is running pretty fast.

Neither the dog, or cat like to go outdoors into the rain so we've been kind of holed up the past few days.  Shaya and I have taken a couple of drives down to Sooke just for something to do.  The power went out for a few hours as well, yesterday so we managed to get some nice reading time in.

Shaya will be picked up by her mom and dad on Friday. She goes home with them so she can attend Nya's birthday party on Saturday.  I'll have a couple of quiet days to myself :)

It has been a great trip to this point.  A bit demanding on my time but no different than I anticipated so that is OK.

From here, a few days with Jill and her family and then back to Duluth to spend time with my hunny.  Jewels has a week off in early April and we're going to go down to Milwaukee and then to Chicago for the week and perhaps our pal Terri will join us.  Then, I have another house sit lined up just outside of Montreal around the 12th of May...

Lots to do... life is good!

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