Saturday, March 30, 2013

Side trip on the way home...

I took the US route home again.. didn't feel like Saskatchewan and it's cheaper for gas as well as hotels driving in the states.

I decided to take a side trip that I tried last time through.  I had tried to get through to Cody WY last trip and the roads were closed due to snow.  I took a less mountainous route and spent a day and a half in Cody.  It's a very interesting town.. very "Cowboyish" which of course is it's claim to fame.  I couldn't resist staying at the Irma hotel which was built by Buffalo Bill himself. It's a very interesting building and has been kept up very nicely. I also spent a lot of time wandering around the Buffalo Bill museum which is huge.. It has four major displays featuring Yellowstone, Buffalo Bill, Fire arms of the west, and the Plains Indians..  It's a place where one could spend a couple of days as it is a bit overwhelming.

From there I headed back north and east and was sooooo lucky to happen upon this route. After a brief stop to check out "Dirty Annie's" I drove through my last mountains.. through the absolutely beautiful Shell Canyon and then the Bighorn State Park.. I had to stop several times to take in the beauty of this area and some photos that don't do it justice..

Got back to Minnesota 2 nites ago... and getting this blog caught up... some dumbass left his computer charger in BC and it got back to MN the day before me...

Visiting with the Lavens for Easter Weekend and then next weekend Jewels and I are off to Chicago..

Life is Good..

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