Sunday, August 27, 2017

More pics from our Iceland trip.

Some of (Well, a lot of) my photos look similar. For instance, many water falls were fantastic and I found myself taking photos of them from different angles and distances.  But hey, that's OK.  Here are a few more.

Light house and beach near the home we were staying at.

Beautiful church in down town Reykjavik.

This is the black sand volcanic beach at the town of Vik on the south side.

Not an uncommon sight... steam rising from the ground.. hot pools of water.

In many places the rocks formed from lava were covered with miss.. very spongy to walk on.

More hot pools.

Grass covered house.. no longer used other than a tourist attraction.

Took us a while but we finally noticed a pattern.. sheep (which were everywhere) usually travelled in groups of 3.  Turns out that the ewes from the previous year usually stayed with the momma until they were grown up and started their own family.  There were sheep everywhere and we are still wondering how the farmers kept track of their livestock.

And, here we go again...  more pics of Iceland to follow.. Life is Good.

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