Sunday, August 27, 2017

Some pics from our trip to Iceland.

Well, we (Julie, Scott, and I) spent 12 days in Iceland and it was a fun trip.  We travelled Iceland Air and flew out of MSP on the 26 July and returned on the 7th of Aug.  The country was so interesting and not really what I expected.  The landscapes were covered with rock in many/most places... the type of rock was what you see from the volcanic eruptions that are a big part of the history of the island.

People were friendly... most spoke english and the most descriptive word we came up with to describe them was "stoic".  I had originally expected to try look up some relatives but we were so into travelling and taking in the sights that we just didn't find the time... maybe next trip?

OK... here's a bunch of pics from the trip.  If my transfer of pics to this blog works, I'll probably put more up later.. I transferred over 400 pics off my little camera when I got home so you can see how impressive the country is.  Translation = Waterfalls and Fjords!

There were beautiful and magnificent water falls EVERYWHERE.

This is the type of landscape in the flat areas covered with rocks from the volcanic eruptions.

My idea of a gourmet snack.  Hard fiskur drying on the racks... YUMMY!

We spent a lot of time in the north west part of the island .... the fjords were so so nice.

Line ups to buy the local gourmet meal of lamb based hot dogs. 

More pics to follow... yeah, Life is Good.

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