Sunday, August 27, 2017

OK.. round 3 of my pics from Iceland.

As I stated before, I took over 400 photos of the marvellous country and could have done a lot more.  But... I'm putting a strain on my old laptop and here's the last round for now.

The famous Icelandic ponies.

Can you spot Julie in the waterfall?

The two pics above are interesting.  The farm on the top is what it looks like today and the panel below is what it looked during the big old volcano that happened in April of 2010 where the load of ash spilled out of the mountain and virtually shud down the country for several days.

Another interesting set of pics.  The three above show the bridge over the EurAsian plate where the plate below splits off Europe from North America.  The top two are taken where you can walk over the divide ... didn't feel any motion thank goodness.

This pic is for you Cam... your Mamma thought it would be one that you are interested in.

OK.. that's it for know.... yeah.. Life is Good

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