Monday, May 13, 2013

Je suis arrivee dans Montreal...

After two long days of driving, I arrived in Montreal (Terrebonne) 2 days ago.  I've been visiting with John and Wendy and their two lovely cats and this morning dropped the folks off at the train station so they could depart on their vacation - they have a cabin up in the wilds of N Quebec and will be back late on the 21st.   I've gotten to know my little sidekicks - les chats - fairly well and they are comfortable with me.

After dropping the folks off this morning I did a bit of exploring and as a result have a 0904 tee time tomorrow morning and a 1016 tee time at another course on Wednesday AM.  Both courses are about 10 minutes from the house (which is a lovely home) so all I need now is for the damn weather to warm up.  It's 8 degrees today but very windy and some sleet off and on.  Supposed to be +16 tomorrow and in the low 20's on Wednesday so that shud be nice.

It is VERY french here so it will be interesting to see the groups that I am paired up with for golfing and see how the communications work.  Of course, I can curse in French as well as English so it shouldn't affect my game at all.

I'm planning to take the train into the city on Thursday.. that way if it's very interesting, I'll have time to visit the city again during this trip.  If not, I'm not to far from the Oka national park which has some great hiking areas so there's "stuff" to do.

I may even take some photos of my own for posting here..

Life is Good.

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