Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Today's golf game...

I just had to post a little note to let you'all know that today's golf game started out with a birdie on the first hole (I rolled in a 60 footer).  And to top it off, I lipped out a putt on 10 that would have been a birdie to start the back nine as well.

Oh well, the final score was still 96 so there had to be a few bad shots as well... Like that efffen 8 on the 17th hole.

It was fun.  I played with three local guys.. Pierre who spoke little english but expressed himself quite clearly on the course when he hit a bad shot.  Then there was Ron who plays a mean foot wedge... And finally Raymond - he was very nice but hands of stone!

Tomorrow I play at Le Versant... about 10 minutes away and the weather - which was very nice today - will be even better as we're expecting the low 20's starting tomorrow.

Life is good.

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