Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day Three... I put on quite a few miles today.

And saw a lot of interesting sights.  I'll have to say that the drive through Oklahoma reminded me a lot of Highway 2 through Montana.  Not a lot of $$$ in many of these homes and of course Route 66 takes you through the older areas off the Interstate.  It seems that a lot of these folks are collectors and they seem to be having a contest to see who can put the most "stuff" in their front yards.

Some pics taken along the route today:

Had breakfast this morning at Hemi's Cafe in ??  Somewhere Oklahoma.  It was good and a very interesting group of old boys meeting for their morning coffee.  Starting to hear a more southern accent now.

The two pics above were just a couple of the many motels that have died and are part of a landscape that really includes many buildings that were thriving businesses once upon a time.

Here's a motel that is still open.  Most of these old guys are now rented out to long term guests - probably just to pay the bills. Note that this one has microwave, cable, and a fridge..

Gateway to Route 66 leaving Tulsa OK.  Tulsa seemed to be a thriving city.. probably a college town.

Prime real estate for sale "by owner" .. fronting onto the famous Route 66.  I'm not sure of the asking price.  I was surprised to see a couple of lights on in this place???

Lucilles is a famous landmark on the highway just outside of Hydro OK.

 Had some scary looking clouds just outside of Oklahoma City.  I heard that there were some tornado warnings north of here.

Lots of strong winds howling around today and whipping up the dust.. It was hazy and the wind was cool.  Saw some temps of +28C today ... gotta dig out my summer cloths.

All in all, a nice day today.  Jewels would enjoy it as it's the type of travel she enjoys.. lots of travel off the Interstates and lots of "things" to see along the way.  There is a lot of poverty here.. amazing to see some of the "homes" that people are actually living in.  Two of the poorer looking places were just as I went from Oklahoma to Texas (Erick and Texola)

Made it to Amarillo TX tonight.  Would not have travelled this far but there was virtually nothing for accommodations after leaving Oklahoma.   anyways....

Life is Good.

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