Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Taking the scenic route out west to see my girls.

I've decided that it's time to get out to the island to see the girls.  Thinking about a drive through Canada at this time of year made me cringe a bit... snow/saskatchewan/mountains.. NOT.

Option B was the long endless drive through N. Dakota with a similar dose of Montana.. and snow and mountains... NOT.

So what else could I do... south from Duluth to ... say... Missouri and then head west to California from there.. Only adds about 1500 miles to the trip soooo..

Yesterday I headed out.. I took a few pics along the way and took HWY 35W to Hinkley.. over to St Cloud on 23 and then 71 south to Windham.  Why Windham one might ask.. well, it gave me a chance to visit with some of the nicest people in Minnesota.  I stayed with Dan and Teri, and went out for dinner with Bill and Barb, Jeff and Sherry, and Teri - Dan had a Lions function he had to attend so he couldn't join us.

I slept like a log and while I was checking my maps this morning over a cuppa coffee, I found that HWY 71 continues all the way down to Missouri which is my turning point to head west...

Is this going to be too easy???   Life is Good.

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