Sunday, March 22, 2015

Maple Syrup time came early this year.

Maple syrup time arrived along with the beautiful spring weather so we have been out early collecting sap and boiling it down to a fine nectar.  I think that the trees are a bit confused and the temps haven't been quite right for them to produce as much sap as we are accustomed to collecting.

Bottom line - get out there and tap the trees when you can and get as much "product" as you can! We tapped 55 trees and have collected about 40 gallons of tree juice to date. That sounds like a lot but once we boil it down, we will end up with one gallon of actual maple syrup. The weather has cooled down the past couple of days and this has brought an end to our production for now.

I'll have to leave this job in Scott's capable hands as I'm planning on my next travel adventure which hopefully will start Monday.  The plan is to hit the road and drive out to Vancouver Island to see my girls.  I have a lot of time so I'm hoping to drive south to Kansas - or there abouts and connect with the famous Route 66 to California. Then, on to the Pacific Coast Trail (Hwy 1) north to BC. 

I'll be visiting the girls on Vancouver Island and then on 11 April I start a home sit in New Westminster for 4 weeks.  This will give me a lot of time to explore the city of Vancouver along with it's many suburbs - golf - hike and keep company with a sweet little kitty cat.

Life is Good - n'est ce pas?

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